virtual summit

Black Employee Network of Blue Shield of California


What a great event! Congratulation to the Black Employee Network of Blue Shield of California on a successful virtual Summit. Throughout the day, attendees participated in skill workshops focused on bias busting, presentation skills, and vision casting. Blue Shield Executive Fireside chat had great speakers such as Blue Shield CEO Paul Markovich, Hope Scott, SVP, [...]

Black Employee Network of Blue Shield of California2024-05-30T23:51:19+00:00

6th Annual PUSHTECH Diversity & Inclusion Virtual Summit


  Congratulations to Rainbow Push, SV & Dr. Joseph Bryant on a successful 6th Annual PUSHTECH Diversity & Inclusion three-day virtual summit. The Summit lineup was incredible, Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Van Jones CNN , Angela Rye CNN, Sheryl Sandberg COO Facebook, Brian Tippens, VP. Chief Sustainability Officer Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Cynthia [...]

6th Annual PUSHTECH Diversity & Inclusion Virtual Summit2024-05-30T23:51:19+00:00
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