Successful events don’t just happen. Whether you are a small business planning your grand opening event or a professional event planner managing a large conference, the success of your event is based on your ability to plan and pay attention to details.

Here is a tip that you can use to plan a successful event and send your attendees home talking about it for days to come:

Event reminder for your attendees

Always plan to communicate with your attendees 1-2 days before the event, whether it is a phone call or an email. Include all the event information and directions to the event location. You might also want to include contact information, should they get lost and need help locating the venue.

If there are any digital documents attendees need (such as a confirmation number or ticket), include them in the email so they are prepared when they arrive at the event.

Do you want more tips like this? Download my complimentary gift: 10 Tips For A Successful Event – CLICK HERE!